A home’s landscaping is an excellent way to show personality and style. Most people like to include a mix of different types of plants, trees, and shrubs in their yards to provide a variety of colors, textures, and heights. Many homeowners also plant flowers that add a pop of color and attract bees and other pollinators.
The climbing hydrangea is one plant that can provide both color and interest. These showy plants are known for their large, beautiful flowers and ability to climb walls and trellises. If you’re thinking about adding these lovely plants to create a perfect garden, here’s what you need to know about how to grow and take care of climbing hydrangeas.
What are climbing hydrangeas?
Climbing hydrangeas are a hydrangea species native to eastern North America. They are part of the Hydrangeaceae family, which includes about 75 species of hydrangeas. While most hydrangeas are shrubs that grow to be about 3-5 feet tall, climbing hydrangeas are vines that can reach up to 30 feet in length.
These plants get their name from their habit of growing up walls, trellises, and other structures. They have thin, wiry stems that are efficient at winding their way around and clinging to surfaces. These stems are covered in small, dark green leaves. In the summer, climbing hydrangeas produce large clusters of white or pink flowers. In the afternoon shade, the flowers often take on a bluish hue.
What are the most common types of climbing hydrangeas?
Hydrangea anomala
The most common type of climbing hydrangea is Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris. This plant has white flowers and can reach 25-30 feet. It’s a popular choice for homeowners because it’s relatively easy to care for and it’s tolerant of a wide range of conditions. They’re not picky about soil type but thrive under partial shade. They are also resistant to sudden frost damage, making them a good choice for people in colder climates.
Miranda hydrangeas
But there are also other hydrangea plants that homeowners can choose from. One example is the Miranda variety which has light pink or cream flowers and variegated yellow and green leaves. These plants are a little more finicky than Hydrangea anomala, and they ne