Monstera: How to Grow and Care for Monsteras

The COVID-19 lockdown has brought several changes to everyone’s outlook on life. For some, it has meant more time spent indoors and a newfound appreciation for nature and the outdoors. 

This change has increased the popularity of houseplants, with people looking to add a touch of green to their homes. According to 2020 Statista Research Department data, 66 percent of homeowners in the United States have at least one houseplant, with Monsteras being one of the most popular choices.

If you’re thinking of adding a Monstera to your home, here’s what you need to know about how to grow and care for them.

Swiss Cheese Plant or Monstera Deliciosa?

In many designer spaces, you will often find a beautiful plant with a distinctive appeal towering in the corner. The glossy, deep green leaves with large cut-outs have made this plant popular for indoor and outdoor decoration. This fashionable plant is commonly known as the monstera, but it comes in many names, including the Swiss cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron.

The scientific name for this houseplant is Monstera deliciosa, and it is native to tropical regions of Central America. Many describe it as the best addition to creating a perfect garden, while others believe it is the key among the countless ways you can live green in the city. Nonetheless, the monstera has maintained its place as a trendy indoor plant.

What Is Special About Monstera Plant?

Perhaps the takeaway about the monstera deliciosa plant is unlike most plants, it can thrive in many places, even if it’s away from its natural habitat. This quality has helped it become one of the most popular houseplants in recent years.

Among other indoor plants, the monstera is also a fast grower and can reach up to 20 feet with the right conditions. The plant can live for decades with the proper care, making it an excellent long-term investment for your home.

Is Monstera a Good Indoor Plant?

Any plant parent will tell you that not every plant is ideal for indoor living. Some need more sunlight, while others require a lot of space. The monstera does well in small and large areas, making it a versatile houseplant.

If you’re tight on space, you can opt for a smaller variety of plants, such as the Monstera adansonii. This variation is a dwarf vine variety of the monstera and only grows up to three feet.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a plant that will make a statement in your home, you can go for the Monstera dubia. This variety can grow up to 10 feet and is known for its aerial roots.

How Do You Take Care of a Monstera Plant?

It’s easy to care for a monstera plant as long as you understand its basic needs. These include the right amount of light, water, and fertilizer. Here are some tips on how to take care of your monstera plant.

Do Monstera Plants Like Sun or Shade?

The monstera does best in bright, indirect sunlight. If you live in a place with harsh or direct sunlight, it’s best to find a spot where the direct light won’t come. However, the lack of natural light or too little light might also be a problem for your plant.

You can tell if your monstera is not getting enough light if the leaves turn yellow or develop brown spots. If this happens, you can try moving the plant to an area where it will get more light.

How Much Water Does a Monstera Deliciosa Need?

The amount of water your plant needs depends on the conditions in your home and the season. In general, it’s best to water your plant when the topsoil is dry to the touch. During the warmer months, you might need to water your plant more often as the heat can quickly dry out the soil. In winter, the plant will need less watering as it goes into a semi-dormant state. You can reduce watering to once a week or every 10 days.

It’s essential not to overwater your plant as it can lead to root rot. If this happens, you can try letting the excess water drain and allow the soggy soil to dry out completely.

How Often Should I Fertilize My Plant?

Plants love fertilizer, and the monstera is no different. Fertilizing your plant will help it grow faster and stay healthier. Plants in a humid environment can quickly deplete the nutrients in the soil, so it’s essential to replenish them with fertilizer.

You can fertilize your plant once a month using a balanced fertilizer. If you want to give your plant a boost, you can use a fertilizer with a higher concentration of nitrogen.

When Should I Repot My Monstera?

When Should I Repot My Monstera
The monstera plant should be repotted every one to two years. Photo by Huy Phan

The monstera is a fast-growing plant and must be repotted every one to two years. You’ll know it’s time to repot your plant when the roots start to come out of the drainage holes. When this happens, the plant will need more space to grow.

It’s best to repot your plant in the spring when the weather is warm, and it is in its active growing season. You can use a pot one size larger than the current one and fill it with fresh potting mix. Another option is to provide your baby monstera something to climb on, such as a moss pole, to encourage growth.

Where Should I Place My Monstera?

Bright Indirect Light

Do Monstera Plants Like Sun or Shade
The monstera does best in bright, indirect sunlight

Direct sun or low light can cause the leaves of your plant to brown or yellow. You might also notice a leggy growth if the plant isn’t getting enough light. If you can’t find such a spot, you can try using artificial lighting, such as grow lights.

Well-draining Soil

Regular watering might cause moist soil that affects root health. So, place your monstera in a pot with a drainage hole to prevent sudden drops of water pressure that can harm the roots. You can also use a pot with a saucer to catch the water and prevent it from overflowing.

What Are Common Problems of Monstera?


Like most houseplants, a monstera is also subject to many pests. From spider mites to mealybugs, these pests can quickly ruin your plant. The best way to get rid of them is to carefully inspect your foliage and remove the pests by hand. You can also use insecticidal soap or neem oil to kill the pests.

Yellow Leaves

Yellowing leaves are usually a sign of overwatering or too little light. If your monstera leaves are yellow and droopy, it might be a sign of root rot. In this case, you can try to save your plant by removing it from the pot and letting the roots dry out. When leaves curl, it might be a sign of too little humidity. Try misting your plant or using a humidifier to increase the humidity around it.

Brown Tips

Brown spots on monstera leaves are usually caused by dried-out soil. If the soil is too dry, it can cause the tips of the leaves to turn brown and crispy. The best way to solve this problem is to water your plant more often. You can also try using a humidifier to increase the humidity around your plant.

Is Monstera a High Maintenance?

Swiss cheese plants should not cause any trouble to plant parents. Caring for a monstera is easy as long as you understand its basic needs. With proper care, your plant will continue to grow and thrive for many years

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