5 Tips to Make Your Home Exterior Pet-Friendly

  • Install a gate to keep pets safely in the yard.
  • Choose pet-friendly paving materials that are durable, safe and heat reflective.
  • Plant pet-friendly foliage to replace hazardous plants.
  • Install a pet ramp for access to elevated structures.
  • Add outdoor accessories like toys, scratch posts, play structures, and pet beds.

Creating a home exterior that is both pet-friendly and aesthetically pleasing can be difficult. From fencing solutions to outdoor furniture, there are several steps you must take to ensure your furry friends are safe and happy while still having the beautiful outdoor area you desire. By following the tips outlined below, you can create an outdoor space that everyone in your family, both two- and four-legged, will love.

1. Install a Gate

A gate is an important feature for any home exterior that includes pets. Utilizing reliable gate installation can ensure your pet stays safely in its own space and away from potential danger. Installing a gate also allows you to access the backyard without worrying about them running out onto the street or into neighbors’ yards. In addition, gates can be designed with pet-friendly features such as chew-proof materials and secure latching mechanisms.

2. Choose Pet-Friendly Paving Materials

When creating a pet-friendly paved area, there are a few things to consider. Durability is key when selecting paving materials for your home exterior. Materials such as concrete and asphalt are highly durable choices that can withstand weather, wear and tear from pets, and slips and spills. Brick pavers are also viable, although they may require more maintenance and upkeep.

Another important factor to consider when choosing paving materials is safety. If your pets are likely to suffer heat-related discomfort, opt for light-colored surfaces such as sandstone or limestone, which reflect heat instead of absorbing it. Furthermore, if you have a slippery surface such as stone or tile, add a non-slip coating or texture to make the area safer for your pets.

3. Plant Pet-Friendly Foliage

landscape design with pathway and flowerbeds

Including pet-friendly plants and foliage in your garden and landscaping is a great way to create a pet-friendly home exterior. Many potentially hazardous plants to cats, dogs and other pets can be replaced by safe alternatives.

For example, opt for pet-friendly ground covers options like clover or thyme instead of ivy, as it can cause gastrointestinal problems in cats. Similarly, go for shrubs like Camellia and azalea that are more pet-friendly than boxwood and yew, which can cause serious health problems in cats or dogs who chew on them.

4. Install Pet Ramp

If you have an elevated deck or other structure, consider installing a pet ramp to make it easier for your pet to access these areas. Pet ramps can be made from various materials, including wood, metal or plastic. Choose a material that is strong enough to support your pet’s weight and is safe for them to use without slipping.

Once you have the ramp in place, regularly inspect it for signs of wear and tear. If necessary, apply a non-slip material to the top of the ramp to ensure your pet’s safety. Add a railing on either side of the ramp for stability and comfort.

5. Add Outdoor Accessories

Finally, try sprucing up your pet-friendly home exterior with some fun accessories. This can make the outdoor environment more stimulating for your pet. Ensure that any decorations or accessories you choose are weather-resistant to remain intact.

Here are some outdoor accessories you put in your pet-friendly home exterior:

Pet Toys

dog food on bowl with toys and treats

Toys are a great way to mentally and physically stimulate your pet during playtime outside. Choose toys that can withstand the elements, like balls made of rubber or plastic that won’t be affected by moist weather. If you want to add something extra special for your furry friend, try out an automatic ball launcher—it’s sure to get your pet’s tail wagging.

Scratch Posts

Scratch posts are perfect for cats and small dogs needing outdoor scratching. Ensure you buy a weather-resistant one that can be secured in the ground, so it doesn’t move around easily. Place the post in a quiet, sheltered spot, away from distractions.

Pet Play Structures

Pet play structures are all the rage these days, and for a good reason—they keep your pet entertained for hours! Choose a structure designed for the outdoors that offers plenty of different activities, such as ramps and tunnels, so your pet can explore and climb. Make sure to place the structure in a clean and safe area.

Pet Beds

For a cozy spot your pet can retreat to, consider adding outdoor pet beds to their home exterior. Choose beds made from weather-resistant materials like plastic or metal and ensure they have a soft cushion for extra comfort. Place them out of direct sunlight in a sheltered area so your pet can stay cool and comfortable.

In Summary

Safety is the most important thing to remember when crafting a pet-friendly home exterior. Always consider the size and strength of your pet and any potential hazards in the environment. These simple tips allow you to create a safe and inviting outdoor area for your furry family members.

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